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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

Gifted and Talented

"For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more"
Luke 12:48 (KJV)

The teachers and staff at St Mary’s believe it to be of the upmost importance that the individual needs of all pupils – including those with gifts or talents are met.  We work hard to ensure all children are challenged within their learning in the classroom and beyond. We provide exciting opportunities in school and through providing excellent extra-curricular activities. As a staff we reflect on what we are teaching and look to source new resources to excite the children. We recognise the importance of developing the whole child and invest in developing pupil’s wider skills. From year one to year six the children are given leadership responsibilities through the School Parliament, School Eco-Committee and our Faith Ambassadors. We recognise the amazing talents of our children and encourage their gifts from God.  

We offer a range of activities to address these pupils’ needs, including:

  • Provision of frequent open-ended extended writing opportunities centred around a range of challenging fiction and non-fiction texts including writing workshops to challenge the more able. 
  • Challenging open-ended investigations in which children apply their knowledge and understanding. Focused activities during Science week, Banking week, Enrichment mornings and mastery sessions at BGN/Chenderit School.  
  • Pupils taking lead roles in productions.
  • Various musical instrumental lessons, including piano, singing, and woodwind, with the opportunities to showcase their achievements in school concerts – which parents and staff are invited to attend.
  • A range of sports clubs, including football, gymnastics, fencing, and cricket. PE lessons in school are led by qualified and experienced external providers who also work with staff to develop their teaching skills. The children in upper key  stage two train as young sports leaders. 

All children in Year six are given responsibilities/roles. We have a School Parliament and an Eco Council to inspire the young children. 

The children at St Mary's are recognised for their musical abilities, artistic talents, sporting prowess and commitment to academia.