St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
School Uniform
We believe it is important for pupils to be smartly dressed in a uniform that makes them recognisable as members of St Mary’s Catholic Primary School. All children are expected to wear the correct uniform which is listed below. We regularly receive compliments by visitors and on visits about how smart our children look.
Additional at different times of the year.
Forest school kit
Swimming kit
Link to School Uniform Kit:-
Link to PE Kit:-
Should you have any queries about making order do not hesitate to contact Zeno’s office on 01327 260031.
- Grey Tailored trousers (summer uniform: grey shorts)
- Red Jumper with/without school logo or Red fleece with/without school logo
- Red polo shirt with/without school logo
- Black shoes
- Grey socks
- Grey skirt or grey tailored trousers (Summer uniform: white socks and red checked summer dress)
- Red polo shirt with/without school logo
- Red jumper with/without the school logo or a red cardigan with/without the school logo
- Grey socks or tights
- Red gingham dress for summer term (optional)
- Black shoes, flat heeled not open toed
PE Kit:
- Red school PE Tshirt with school logo
- Black shorts
- Trainers
- Track suits (Black jogging bottoms and grey hoodie with logo) should only be worn in cold weather
- Key Stage 2 only - one piece swim suit (girls) swimming trunks (boys) and a swimming hat
For any uniform enquiries or queries, please contact the office. We keep a “skeleton stock” of uniform to support you in ensuring you order the correct size for your child or children.