St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
Welcome to St Mary's Catholic Primary School, nestled in the serene beauty of rural landscapes, where every child's journey is embraced with warmth, care, and a steadfast commitment to excellence.
This is a brief introduction to the specialised curriculum that we deliver here at St Mary's, please click on the learning tab for more information.
The school vision is the mission statement;
St Mary’s ‘ A place of educational excellence with Christ at its centre’
A quote from Pope Francis:
“Education cannot be neutral. It is either positive or negative; either it enriches or it impoverishes; either it enables a person to grow or it lessens, even corrupts him. The mission of schools is to develop a sense of truth, of what is good and beautiful. And this occurs through a rich path made up of many ingredients. This is why there are so many subjects — because development is the results of different elements that act together and stimulate intelligence, knowledge, the emotions, the body, and so on.”
We will achieve this through the curriculum vision and the drivers that we have called…
‘Our Golden Threads’
Statement of intent:
The National Curriculum has been redefined to meet the needs of the children that attend St Mary's Catholic Primary School. Our school curriculum is a key factor in pupil’s enjoyment of school and drives their achievements and success. Throughout our curriculum are our Golden threads that address the gaps in children’s knowledge and understanding.