St. Mary's Catholic Primary School
Special Educational Needs- Information Report
“This page is part of the Local Offer for W.N.C Under the Children and Families Bill which became law in 2014, Local Authorities are required to publish, and keep under review, information about services that they expect to be available for children and young people with disabilities and Special Educational Needs aged 0-25. This is called the Local Offer. The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice and transparency for families. It will also be an important resources for professionals in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.”
For more information please click on the link:
new Local Offer website at West Northants
"For nothing will be impossible with God.”
St Mary’s Catholic Primary School |
Mainstream |
Primary |
Fully wheelchair accessible |
Yes |
Other adaptations |
Are you currently able to deliver your core offer consistently across all areas of your school? We offer a broad and balanced curriculum for all children with Quality First teaching. Our teachers are skilled in planning differentiated lessons to meet the needs of pupils with a range of difficulties. Pupils are carefully tracked and interventions put in place as soon as difficulties arise. These are mapped out using the school provision map which is reviewed termly. St Mary’s currently provides additional and/or different provision for children with a range of needs, including:
How we identify pupils with SEN and assess their needs
Are the schools policies available on its website for: |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Are you aware /familiar with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 and the Equality Act 2010 |
Please indicate what your school has to offer (over and above the core offer) in each of the following areas. |
Areas of strength: Staff members trained in Autistic Spectrum Disorders. Two members of staff awarded the SENCO accreditation training. 1:1 TA's completed National Autism Training. Read Write Inc Delivery. Numicon Delivery. SNIP Spelling. Precision Teaching. Speech and Language (SLT). Zones of Regualtions. |
Specialist Facilities/Equipment to support SEND Disabled toilet. |
Input from Therapists/Advisory Teachers/other specialist support services. We have access to a speech and language therapist and specialist teachers and educational psychologist support. |
Before and after Care Club We offer care between 8am - 5pm daily during term time. This is within our Rising Stars Club. There are a variety of after schools clubs available during term time. |
How do you promote inclusion within the school? Including day and residential trips. Lessons are as inclusive as possible, with adjustments made depending on need. Children are provided with opportunities to take on roles of responsibility across the school e.g. House Captain. Children with disabilities are included on all school trips and residentials. |
Pupil Premium is used where appropriate to fund additional equipment such as laptops for home use, or schools trips and visits. |
What proportion of children currently at the school have an SEND ? 7% |
How do you involve/support the parents of children/YP with an SEND regarding identifying and meeting their needs? How do you communicate their progress and areas of difficulty? The SENCO works closely with outside agencies to support children with SEND. Pupil Profiles targets are set termly and reviewed three times a year by class teachers, parents and child. We have an ‘open door’ policy so that parents are able to meet with teachers and discuss issues as they arise. Parent’s evenings are held two times a year and written reports are sent home three times a year. Parents are invited to school workshops on how to support their child at home. EHCP reviews are held annually, this is in addition to the termly pupil profile reviews. |
How will the school prepare children with an SEND to join their next setting/school/stage of education/life? We have carefully planned and structured transition programmes between key stages and between schools. For transition to secondary schoolchildren are visited by partnership school SENCO. |
What else do you think parents would like to know about your school? We currently use the following intervention programmes at St Mary’s:
COMPLETED BY: (name and position) |
Laura Concannon – Head teacher Denise Morgan- SENDCO |
January 2024 |
January 2025 |