School Parliament
Our School Parliament is facilitated by Mrs Concannon. Children are elected by their class and wear their School Parliament badges with pride. The School Parliament gives the children a voice so that they are able to play a part in making decisions on certain aspects of school life. We meet every two weeks.
At the beginning of the year the councillors decided on their chosen charities and help to organise fund raising events for the whole school. Our chosen charities are: CAFOD, Helen and Douglas House Hospice, The Trussel Trust and Young Banbury Homeless.
The school Parliament has organised the following things this year:
Colouring competition
Tuck shop every Friday
Movie Nights (Termly)
Purchase of outdoor gym equipment
Purchase of playground toys
Jarbola at the Christmas Market
House Point Celebration Day
Well-Being Sessions
Worry boxes for each classroom
Road Safety Heroes
Safeguarding questionnaire and feedback
Socks and Chocs
Spelling Bee
School Pet- Vote