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St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

St. Mary's Catholic Primary School

A place of educational excellence with Christ at the centre

Science and Eco Updates


The school echo council meets every two weeks and looks to find ways of helping the environment and how to make our school more sustainable. 

Achievements this year:

New recycled benches purchased.

New School Eco logo created.

Sustainable packaging ordered for the 'Friends of St Mary's' events and the school movie nights. 

School outdoor bins- letter written to the council and the council approved the playground bins.

Tree planting for the Queens Green Canopy Project. 

Recycled paper used throughout the school.

Reduction in paper letters sent home.

School recycling of ink cartridges and batteries. 

Christmas Market stalls- New to you toys and New to you second hand uniform. 

Bird feeders- to make 

School vegetable garden created- Village competition entered, 1st Prize for the biggest marrow. 

This year the Eco-Council were very excited to lead the planning of Science week as the theme this year is growth. Please check out the Science week page for further details. 

Well done Tilly! 

 First Prize in the Marrow Competition:



We are really looking forward to celebrating this year's Science Week. The theme is growth and sustainability and the activities the children complete will be on this theme. 

The timetable will include:

A visit from the Teach Rex team with Thomas the Gorilla. 

Tree planting as part of the Queens Green Canopy Project.

Warwick University will be running workshops for a day. 

Science Quiz and dress down day.

Science themed tuck and dancing!

Image result for thomas the gorilla teach rex





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